光影和着色器都是 Shader 的翻译。下面统一翻译成着色器。
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# 概述|Overview
着色器模块(The Shaders Mod)使用了一条延迟渲染管线(deferred rendering pipeline) (opens new window)。
管线首先处理G-Buffer着色器(gbuffer shaders)。它们将数据渲染成纹理(textures),而纹理会被发送到合成着色器(composite shaders)中。
Optional composite shaders can be added after the shadow map (shadowcomp), before terrain (prepare) and before water rendering (deferred).
接着合成着色器把接收到的内容渲染成纹理,并将结果发送到最终着色器(the final shader)中。
# 着色器文件|Shader Files
所有着色器文件都被放在光影包中的 "shaders" 文件夹下。
扩展名 | 类型 |
.csh | Compute shader |
.vsh | 顶点着色器(Vertex shader) |
.gsh | 几何着色器(Geometry shader) |
.fsh | 片段着色器(Fragment shader) |
Geometry shaders need either OpenGL 3.2 with layout qualifiers or the extension GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 (GL_EXT_geometry_shader4) with configuration "maxVerticesOut".
# 颜色附件|Color Attachments
着色器之间的数据传递是通过颜色附件(color attachments)来完成。
MacOS 限制为8个颜色附件,即便是 modern GPU。
在延迟、合成、和最终着色器中,它们由 gcolor、gdepth、gnormal、composite、gaux1、gaux2、gaux3和gaux4 uniforms 引用。
(colortex0 到 colortex15 可以替代 gcolor, gdepth 等)
第一个,gcolor 将在渲染之前清除颜色并设为当前迷雾的颜色。
第二个,gdepth 将在渲染之前清除颜色并设为纯白色,并且使用了适合存储深度值的更高精度的缓冲区。
其他颜色附件将在渲染之前清除颜色并设置为 alpha 为 0 的黑色。
每个颜色附件使用双缓冲区(A and B),逻辑名为 "main" 和 "alt",可以用作乒乓缓冲(ping-pong buffers) (opens new window)。
当两个缓冲区切换,main/alt 与 A/B 之间的对应关系被反转。
G-Buffer程序总是在 "main" 缓冲(仅限 gaux1-4)中读写(它们不应该同时在同一个缓冲中读写)。
延迟/合成程序(deferred/composite programs)总是从 "main" 中读取并写入 "alt" 缓冲。
属性 "flip.<program>.<buffer>=<true|false>" 可用于启用或禁用 the flip independant of the buffer write.
The virtual programs "deferred_pre" and "composite_pre" can be used for buffer flipping before the deferred/composite pass.
Output color attachments are configured with the "/* DRAWBUFFERS:XYZ /" or "/ RENDERTARGETS: X,Y,Z */" comment, placed in the fragment shader.
Gbuffers, deferred 和 composite 程序可以向任何颜色附件写入,但是同时不能超过8个。
In shaders using the modern syntax (130 and above) the outputs of the fragment shader should use the outColor<n> names. Example:
/* DRAWBUFFERS:3,4,7 */
out vec4 outColor0; // Writes to buffer 3
out vec4 outColor1; // Writes to buffer 4
out vec4 outColor2; // Writes to buffer 7
写入合成着色器(composite shader)中的颜色附件时,混合(blending)被禁用。
Writing to color attachments that the composite shader also reads from will generate artifacts (unless you just copy the original contents)
The shaders configuration parsing is affected by the preprocessor conditional compilation directives.
The following preprocessor directives are currently recognized:
#define <macro>
#undef <macro>
#ifdef <macro>
#ifndef <macro>
#if <int>
#if defined <macro>
#if !defined <macro>
#elif <int>
#elif defined <macro>
#elif !defined <macro>
可以用 "F3+R" 或用 "/reloadShaders" 指令重载光影包。
# Compute Shaders
A list of compute shaders can be attached to every program except gbuffers programs. They are named like the program with optional suffix, for example "composite.csh", "composite_a.csh" ... "composite_z.csh". Compute shaders run before the program and can read from all buffers using texture samplers. They can read and write to colortex0-5 and shadowcolor0-1 buffers as images using the aliases colorimg0-5 and shadowcolorimg0-1, for example "layout (rgba8) uniform image2D colorimg0;" Compute shaders need at least "#version 430" and local size definition, for example: "layout (local_size_x = 16, local_size_y = 16) in;". Work groups are defined either fixed via "const ivec3 workGroups = ivec3(50, 30, 1);" or relative to render size via "const vec2 workGroupsRender = vec2(0.5f, 0.5f);". The default configuration is "const vec2 workGroupsRender = vec2(1.0f, 1.0f);", which executes the compute shader once per pixel.
# Image access
All programs can read and write to colorimg0-5 and shadowcolorimg0-1 using imageLoad() and imageStore().
# 着色器程序|Shader Programs
GUI 和 Menu 无着色器
Shadow map
名字 | 渲染的对象 | 未定义时使用 |
shadow | everything in shadow pass | <none> |
shadow_solid | <not used> | shadow |
shadow_cutout | <not used> | shadow |
Shadow composite
名字 | 渲染的对象 | 未定义时使用 |
shadowcomp | <shadowcomp> | <none> |
shadowcomp1 | <shadowcomp> | <none> |
... | ||
shadowcomp99 | <shadowcomp> | <none> |
名字 | 渲染的对象 | 未定义时使用 |
prepare | <prepare> | <none> |
prepare1 | <prepare> | <none> |
... | ||
prepare99 | <prepare> | <none> |
名字 | 渲染的对象 | 未定义时使用 |
gbuffers_basic | 栓绳、方块选择框 | <none> |
gbuffers_line | block outline, fishing line | gbuffers_basic |
gbuffers_textured | 粒子 | gbuffers_basic |
gbuffers_textured_lit | lit_particles, 世界边界 | gbuffers_textured |
gbuffers_skybasic | 天空、地平线、星星、虚空 | gbuffers_basic |
gbuffers_skytextured | 日月 | gbuffers_textured |
gbuffers_clouds | 云 | gbuffers_textured |
gbuffers_terrain | solid, cutout, cutout_mip | gbuffers_textured_lit |
gbuffers_terrain_solid | <not used> | gbuffers_terrain |
gbuffers_terrain_cutout_mip | <not used> | gbuffers_terrain |
gbuffers_terrain_cutout | <not used> | gbuffers_terrain |
gbuffers_damagedblock | 被破坏的方块 | gbuffers_terrain |
gbuffers_block | 方块实体 | gbuffers_terrain |
gbuffers_beaconbeam | 信标光柱 | gbuffers_textured |
gbuffers_item | <not used> | gbuffers_textured_lit |
gbuffers_entities | 实体 | gbuffers_textured_lit |
gbuffers_entities_glowing | glowing entities, spectral effect | gbuffers_entities |
gbuffers_armor_glint | glint on armor and handheld items | gbuffers_textured |
gbuffers_spidereyes | eyes of spider, enderman and dragon | gbuffers_textured |
gbuffers_hand | hand and opaque handheld objects | gbuffers_textured_lit |
gbuffers_weather | 雨雪 | gbuffers_textured_lit |
名字 | 渲染的对象 | 未定义时使用 |
deferred_pre | <virtual> flip ping-pong buffers | <none> |
deferred | <deferred> | <none> |
deferred1 | <deferred> | <none> |
... | ||
deferred99 | <deferred> | <none> |
GBuffers translucent
名字 | 渲染的对象 | 未定义时使用 |
gbuffers_water | translucent | gbuffers_terrain |
gbuffers_hand_water | translucent handheld objects | gbuffers_hand |
名字 | 渲染的对象 | 未定义时使用 |
composite_pre | <virtual> flip ping-pong buffers | <none> |
composite | <composite> | <none> |
composite1 | <composite> | <none> |
... | ||
composite99 | <composite> | <none> |
名字 | 渲染的对象 | 未定义时使用 |
final | <final> | <none> |
- The programs shadow_solid, shadow_cutout, gbuffers_terrain_solid, gbuffers_terrain_cutout and gbuffers_terrain_cutout_mip are not used
- Separate programs for world border, entities (by id, by type), cape, elytra, wolf collar, etc.
# 属性|Attributes
Source | Value | Comment |
in vec3 vaPosition; | position (x, y, z) | 1.17+, for terrain it is relative to the chunk origin, see "chunkOffset" |
in vec4 vaColor; | color (r, g, b, a) | 1.17+ |
in vec2 vaUV0; | texture (u, v) | 1.17+ |
in ivec2 vaUV1; | overlay (u, v) | 1.17+ |
in ivec2 vaUV2; | lightmap (u, v) | 1.17+ |
in vec3 vaNormal; | normal (x, y, z) | 1.17+ |
in vec3 mc_Entity; | xy = blockId, renderType | "blockId" is used only for blocks specified in "block.properties" |
in vec2 mc_midTexCoord; | st = midTexU, midTexV | Sprite middle UV coordinates |
in vec4 at_tangent; | xyz = tangent vector, w = handedness | |
in vec3 at_velocity; | vertex offset to previous frame | In view space, only for entities and block entities |
in vec3 at_midBlock; | offset to block center in 1/64m units | Only for blocks |
# 全局变量|Uniforms
Source | Value |
uniform int heldItemId; | held item ID (main hand), used only for items defined in "item.properties" |
uniform int heldBlockLightValue; | held item light value (main hand) |
uniform int heldItemId2; | held item ID (off hand), used only for items defined in "item.properties" |
uniform int heldBlockLightValue2; | held item light value (off hand) |
uniform int fogMode; | GL_LINEAR, GL_EXP or GL_EXP2 |
uniform float fogStart; | fog start distance (m) |
uniform float fogEnd; | fog end distance (m) |
uniform int fogShape; | 0 = sphere, 1 = cylinder |
uniform float fogDensity; | 0.0-1.0 |
uniform vec3 fogColor; | r, g, b |
uniform vec3 skyColor; | r, g, b |
uniform int worldTime; | <ticks> = worldTicks % 24000 |
uniform int worldDay; | <days> = worldTicks / 24000 |
uniform int moonPhase; | 0-7 |
uniform int frameCounter; | Frame index (0 to 720719, then resets to 0) |
uniform float frameTime; | last frame time, seconds |
uniform float frameTimeCounter; | run time, seconds (resets to 0 after 3600s) |
uniform float sunAngle; | 0.0-1.0 |
uniform float shadowAngle; | 0.0-1.0 |
uniform float rainStrength; | 0.0-1.0 |
uniform float aspectRatio; | viewWidth / viewHeight |
uniform float viewWidth; | viewWidth |
uniform float viewHeight; | viewHeight |
uniform float near; | near viewing plane distance |
uniform float far; | far viewing plane distance |
uniform vec3 sunPosition; | sun position in eye space |
uniform vec3 moonPosition; | moon position in eye space |
uniform vec3 shadowLightPosition; | shadow light (sun or moon) position in eye space |
uniform vec3 upPosition; | direction up |
uniform vec3 cameraPosition; | camera position in world space |
uniform vec3 previousCameraPosition; | last frame cameraPosition |
uniform mat4 gbufferModelView; | modelview matrix after setting up the camera transformations |
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse; | inverse gbufferModelView |
uniform mat4 gbufferPreviousModelView; | last frame gbufferModelView |
uniform mat4 gbufferProjection; | projection matrix when the gbuffers were generated |
uniform mat4 gbufferProjectionInverse; | inverse gbufferProjection |
uniform mat4 gbufferPreviousProjection; | last frame gbufferProjection |
uniform mat4 shadowProjection; | projection matrix when the shadow map was generated |
uniform mat4 shadowProjectionInverse; | inverse shadowProjection |
uniform mat4 shadowModelView; | modelview matrix when the shadow map was generated |
uniform mat4 shadowModelViewInverse; | inverse shadowModelView |
uniform float wetness; | rainStrength smoothed with wetnessHalfLife or drynessHalfLife |
uniform float eyeAltitude; | view entity Y position |
uniform ivec2 eyeBrightness; | x = block brightness, y = sky brightness, light 0-15 = brightness 0-240 |
uniform ivec2 eyeBrightnessSmooth; | eyeBrightness smoothed with eyeBrightnessHalflife |
uniform ivec2 terrainTextureSize; | not used |
uniform int terrainIconSize; | not used |
uniform int isEyeInWater; | 1 = camera is in water, 2 = camera is in lava, 3 = camera is in powder snow |
uniform float nightVision; | night vision (0.0-1.0) |
uniform float blindness; | blindness (0.0-1.0) |
uniform float screenBrightness; | screen brightness (0.0-1.0) |
uniform int hideGUI; | GUI is hidden |
uniform float centerDepthSmooth; | centerDepth smoothed with centerDepthSmoothHalflife |
uniform ivec2 atlasSize; | texture atlas size (only set when the atlas texture is bound) |
uniform vec4 spriteBounds; | sprite bounds in the texture atlas (u0, v0, u1, v1), set when MC_ANISOTROPIC_FILTERING is enabled |
uniform vec4 entityColor; | entity color multiplier (entity hurt, creeper flashing when exploding) |
uniform int entityId; | entity ID |
uniform int blockEntityId; | block entity ID (block ID for the tile entity, only for blocks specified in "block.properties") |
uniform ivec4 blendFunc; | blend function (srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha, dstAlpha) |
uniform int instanceId; | instance ID when instancing is enabled (countInstances > 1), 0 = original, 1-N = copies |
uniform float playerMood; | player mood (0.0-1.0), increases the longer a player stays underground |
uniform int renderStage; | render stage, see "Standard Macros", "J. Render stages" |
uniform int bossBattle; | 1 = custom, 2 = ender dragon, 3 = wither, 4 = raid |
Source | Value |
uniform mat4 modelViewMatrix; | model view matrix |
uniform mat4 modelViewMatrixInverse; | inverse model view matrix |
uniform mat4 projectionMatrix; | projection matrix |
uniform mat4 projectionMatrixInverse; | inverse projection matrix |
uniform mat4 textureMatrix = mat4(1.0); | texture matrix, default is identity |
uniform mat3 normalMatrix; | normal matrix |
uniform vec3 chunkOffset; | terrain chunk origin, used with attribute |
uniform float alphaTestRef; | alpha test reference value, the check is "if (color.a < alphaTestRef) discard;" |
# Constants
// Lightmap texture matrix, 1.17+
const mat4 TEXTURE_MATRIX_2 = mat4(vec4(0.00390625, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), vec4(0.0, 0.00390625, 0.0, 0.0), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.00390625, 0.0), vec4(0.03125, 0.03125, 0.03125, 1.0));
# GBuffers Uniforms
Programs: basic, textured, textured_lit, skybasic, skytextured, clouds, terrain, terrain_solid, terrain_cutout_mip, terrain_cutout, damagedblock, water, block, beaconbeam, item, entities, armor_glint, spidereyes, hand, hand_water, weather)
Source | Value |
uniform sampler2D texture; | 0 |
uniform sampler2D lightmap; | 1 |
uniform sampler2D normals; | 2 |
uniform sampler2D specular; | 3 |
uniform sampler2D shadow; | waterShadowEnabled ? 5 : 4 |
uniform sampler2D watershadow; | 4 |
uniform sampler2D shadowtex0; | 4 |
uniform sampler2D shadowtex1; | 5 |
uniform sampler2D depthtex0; | 6 |
uniform sampler2D gaux1; | 7 <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
uniform sampler2D gaux2; | 8 <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
uniform sampler2D gaux3; | 9 <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
uniform sampler2D gaux4; | 10 <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
uniform sampler2D colortex4; | 7 <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
uniform sampler2D colortex5; | 8 <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
uniform sampler2D colortex6; | 9 <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
uniform sampler2D colortex7; | 10 <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
uniform sampler2D colortex8; | 16 <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
uniform sampler2D colortex9; | 17 <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
uniform sampler2D colortex10; | 18 <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
uniform sampler2D colortex11; | 19 <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
uniform sampler2D colortex12; | 20 <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
uniform sampler2D colortex13; | 21 <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
uniform sampler2D colortex14; | 22 <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
uniform sampler2D colortex15; | 23 <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
uniform sampler2D depthtex1; | 11 |
uniform sampler2D shadowcolor; | 13 |
uniform sampler2D shadowcolor0; | 13 |
uniform sampler2D shadowcolor1; | 14 |
uniform sampler2D noisetex; | 15 |
# Shadow Uniforms
Programs: shadow, shadow_solid, shadow_cutout
Source | Value |
uniform sampler2D tex; | 0 |
uniform sampler2D texture; | 0 |
uniform sampler2D lightmap; | 1 |
uniform sampler2D normals; | 2 |
uniform sampler2D specular; | 3 |
uniform sampler2D shadow; | waterShadowEnabled ? 5 : 4 |
uniform sampler2D watershadow; | 4 |
uniform sampler2D shadowtex0; | 4 |
uniform sampler2D shadowtex1; | 5 |
uniform sampler2D gaux1; | 7 <custom texture> |
uniform sampler2D gaux2; | 8 <custom texture> |
uniform sampler2D gaux3; | 9 <custom texture> |
uniform sampler2D gaux4; | 10 <custom texture> |
uniform sampler2D colortex4; | 7 <custom texture> |
uniform sampler2D colortex5; | 8 <custom texture> |
uniform sampler2D colortex6; | 9 <custom texture> |
uniform sampler2D colortex7; | 10 <custom texture> |
uniform sampler2D colortex8; | 16 <custom texture> |
uniform sampler2D colortex9; | 17 <custom texture> |
uniform sampler2D colortex10; | 18 <custom texture> |
uniform sampler2D colortex11; | 19 <custom texture> |
uniform sampler2D colortex12; | 20 <custom texture> |
uniform sampler2D colortex13; | 21 <custom texture> |
uniform sampler2D colortex14; | 22 <custom texture> |
uniform sampler2D colortex15; | 23 <custom texture> |
uniform sampler2D shadowcolor; | 13 |
uniform sampler2D shadowcolor0; | 13 |
uniform sampler2D shadowcolor1; | 14 |
uniform sampler2D noisetex; | 15 |
# Composite and Deferred Uniforms
Programs: composite, composite1, composite2, composite3, composite4, composite5, composite6, composite7, final, deferred, deferred1, deferred2, deferred3, deferred4, deferred5, deferred6, deferred7
Source | Value |
uniform sampler2D gcolor; | 0 |
uniform sampler2D gdepth; | 1 |
uniform sampler2D gnormal; | 2 |
uniform sampler2D composite; | 3 |
uniform sampler2D gaux1; | 7 |
uniform sampler2D gaux2; | 8 |
uniform sampler2D gaux3; | 9 |
uniform sampler2D gaux4; | 10 |
uniform sampler2D colortex0; | 0 |
uniform sampler2D colortex1; | 1 |
uniform sampler2D colortex2; | 2 |
uniform sampler2D colortex3; | 3 |
uniform sampler2D colortex4; | 7 |
uniform sampler2D colortex5; | 8 |
uniform sampler2D colortex6; | 9 |
uniform sampler2D colortex7; | 10 |
uniform sampler2D colortex8; | 16 |
uniform sampler2D colortex9; | 17 |
uniform sampler2D colortex10; | 18 |
uniform sampler2D colortex11; | 19 |
uniform sampler2D colortex12; | 20 |
uniform sampler2D colortex13; | 21 |
uniform sampler2D colortex14; | 22 |
uniform sampler2D colortex15; | 23 |
uniform sampler2D shadow; | waterShadowEnabled ? 5 : 4 |
uniform sampler2D watershadow; | 4 |
uniform sampler2D shadowtex0; | 4 |
uniform sampler2D shadowtex1; | 5 |
uniform sampler2D gdepthtex; | 6 |
uniform sampler2D depthtex0; | 6 |
uniform sampler2D depthtex1; | 11 |
uniform sampler2D depthtex2; | 12 |
uniform sampler2D shadowcolor; | 13 |
uniform sampler2D shadowcolor0; | 13 |
uniform sampler2D shadowcolor1; | 14 |
uniform sampler2D noisetex; | 15 |
# GBuffers Textures
Id | Name | Legacy name |
0 | texture | |
1 | lightmap | |
2 | normals | |
3 | specular | |
4 | shadowtex0 | shadow, watershadow |
5 | shadowtex1 | shadow (when watershadow used) |
6 | depthtex0 | |
7 | gaux1 | colortex4 <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
8 | gaux2 | colortex5 <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
9 | gaux3 | colortex6 <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
10 | gaux4 | colortex7 <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
12 | depthtex1 | |
13 | shadowcolor0 | shadowcolor |
14 | shadowcolor1 | <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
15 | noisetex | <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
16 | colortex8 | <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
17 | colortex9 | <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
18 | colortex10 | <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
19 | colortex11 | <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
20 | colortex12 | <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
21 | colortex13 | <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
22 | colortex14 | <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
23 | colortex15 | <custom texture or output from deferred programs> |
# Shadow Textures
Id | Name | Legacy name |
0 | texture | tex |
1 | lightmap | |
2 | normals | |
3 | specular | |
4 | shadowtex0 | shadow, watershadow |
5 | shadowtex0 | shadow (when watershadow used) |
7 | gaux1 | colortex4 <custom texture> |
8 | gaux2 | colortex5 <custom texture> |
9 | gaux3 | colortex6 <custom texture> |
10 | gaux4 | colortex7 <custom texture> |
13 | shadowcolor0 | shadowcolor |
14 | shadowcolor1 | |
15 | noisetex | |
16 | colortex8 | <custom texture> |
17 | colortex9 | <custom texture> |
18 | colortex10 | <custom texture> |
19 | colortex11 | <custom texture> |
20 | colortex12 | <custom texture> |
21 | colortex13 | <custom texture> |
22 | colortex14 | <custom texture> |
23 | colortex15 | <custom texture> |
# Composite and Deferred Textures
Id | Name | Legacy name |
0 | colortex0 | gcolor |
1 | colortex1 | gdepth |
2 | colortex2 | gnormal |
3 | colortex3 | composite |
4 | shadowtex0 | shadow, watershadow |
5 | shadowtex1 | shadow (when watershadow used) |
6 | depthtex0 | gdepthtex |
7 | colortex4 | gaux1 |
8 | colortex5 | gaux2 |
9 | colortex6 | gaux3 |
10 | colortex7 | gaux4 |
11 | depthtex1 | |
12 | depthtex2 | |
13 | shadowcolor0 | shadowcolor |
14 | shadowcolor1 | |
15 | noisetex | |
16 | colortex8 | |
17 | colortex9 | |
18 | colortex10 | |
19 | colortex11 | |
20 | colortex12 | |
21 | colortex13 | |
22 | colortex14 | |
23 | colortex15 |
# Depth buffers usage
Name | Usage |
depthtex0 | everything |
depthtex1 | no translucent objects (water, stained glass) |
depthtex2 | no translucent objects (water, stained glass), no handheld objects |
# Shadow buffers usage
Name | Usage |
shadowtex0 | everything |
shadowtex1 | no translucent objects (water, stained glass) |
# Vertex Shader Configuration
Source | Effect |
in vec3 mc_Entity; | useEntityAttrib = true |
in vec2 mc_midTexCoord; | useMidTexCoordAttrib = true |
in vec4 at_tangent; | useTangentAttrib = true |
const int countInstances = 1; | when "countInstances > 1" the geometry will be rendered several times, see uniform "instanceId" |
# Geometry Shader Configuration
Source | Effect |
#extension GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 : enable | Enable GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 |
const int maxVerticesOut = 3; | Set GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT_ARB for GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 |
# Fragment Shader Configuration
Source | Effect | Comment |
uniform <type> shadow; | shadowDepthBuffers = 1 | |
uniform <type> watershadow; | shadowDepthBuffers = 2 | |
uniform <type> shadowtex0; | shadowDepthBuffers = 1 | |
uniform <type> shadowtex1; | shadowDepthBuffers = 2 | |
uniform <type> shadowcolor; | shadowColorBuffers = 1 | |
uniform <type> shadowcolor0; | shadowColorBuffers = 1 | |
uniform <type> shadowcolor1; | shadowColorBuffers = 2 | |
uniform <type> depthtex0; | depthBuffers = 1 | |
uniform <type> depthtex1; | depthBuffers = 2 | |
uniform <type> depthtex2; | depthBuffers = 3 | |
uniform <type> gdepth; | if (bufferFormat[1] == RGBA) bufferFormat[1] = RGBA32F; | |
uniform <type> gaux1; | colorBuffers = 5 | |
uniform <type> gaux2; | colorBuffers = 6 | |
uniform <type> gaux3; | colorBuffers = 7 | |
uniform <type> gaux4; | colorBuffers = 8 | |
uniform <type> colortex4; | colorBuffers = 5 | |
uniform <type> colortex5; | colorBuffers = 6 | |
uniform <type> colortex6; | colorBuffers = 7 | |
uniform <type> colortex7; | colorBuffers = 8 | |
/* SHADOWRES:1024 */ | shadowMapWidth = shadowMapHeight = 1024 | |
const int shadowMapResolution = 1024; | shadowMapWidth = shadowMapHeight = 1024 | |
/* SHADOWFOV:90.0 */ | shadowMapFov = 90 | |
const float shadowMapFov = 90.0; | shadowMapFov = 90 | |
/* SHADOWHPL:160.0 */ | shadowMapDistance = 160.0 | |
const float shadowDistance = 160.0f; | shadowMapDistance = 160.0 | |
const float shadowDistanceRenderMul = -1f; | shadowDistanceRenderMul = -1 | When > 0 enable shadow optimization (shadowRenderDistance = shadowDistance * shadowDistanceRenderMul) |
const float shadowIntervalSize = 2.0f; | shadowIntervalSize = 2.0 | |
const bool generateShadowMipmap = true; | shadowMipmap = true | |
const bool generateShadowColorMipmap = true; | shadowColorMipmap = true | |
const bool shadowHardwareFiltering = true; | shadowHardwareFiltering = true | |
const bool shadowHardwareFiltering0 = true; | shadowHardwareFiltering[0] = true | |
const bool shadowHardwareFiltering1 = true; | shadowHardwareFiltering[1] = true | |
const bool shadowtexMipmap = true; | shadowMipmap[0] = true | |
const bool shadowtex0Mipmap = true; | shadowMipmap[0] = true | |
const bool shadowtex1Mipmap = true; | shadowMipmap[1] = true | |
const bool shadowcolor0Mipmap = true; | shadowColorMipmap[0] = true | |
const bool shadowColor0Mipmap = true; | shadowColorMipmap[0] = true | |
const bool shadowcolor1Mipmap = true; | shadowColorMipmap[1] = true | |
const bool shadowColor1Mipmap = true; | shadowColorMipmap[1] = true | |
const bool shadowtexNearest = true; | shadowFilterNearest[0] = true | |
const bool shadowtex0Nearest = true; | shadowFilterNearest[0] = true | |
const bool shadow0MinMagNearest = true; | shadowFilterNearest[0] = true | |
const bool shadowtex1Nearest = true; | shadowFilterNearest[1] = true | |
const bool shadow1MinMagNearest = true; | shadowFilterNearest[1] = true | |
const bool shadowcolor0Nearest = true; | shadowColorFilterNearest[0] = true | |
const bool shadowColor0Nearest = true; | shadowColorFilterNearest[0] = true | |
const bool shadowColor0MinMagNearest = true; | shadowColorFilterNearest[0] = true | |
const bool shadowcolor1Nearest = true; | shadowColorFilterNearest[1] = true | |
const bool shadowColor1Nearest = true; | shadowColorFilterNearest[1] = true | |
const bool shadowColor1MinMagNearest = true; | shadowColorFilterNearest[1] = true | |
/* WETNESSHL:600.0 */ | wetnessHalfLife = 600 (ticks) | |
const float wetnessHalflife = 600.0f; | wetnessHalfLife = 600 (ticks) | |
/* DRYNESSHL:200.0 */ | drynessHalfLife = 200 (ticks) | |
const float drynessHalflife = 200.0f; | drynessHalfLife = 200 (ticks) | |
const float eyeBrightnessHalflife = 10.0f; | eyeBrightnessHalflife = 10 (ticks) | |
const float centerDepthHalflife = 1.0f; | centerDepthSmoothHalflife = 1 (ticks) | |
const float sunPathRotation = 0f; | sunPathRotation = 0f | |
const float ambientOcclusionLevel = 1.0f; | ambientOcclusionLevel = 1.0f | 0.0f = AO disabled, 1.0f = vanilla AO |
const int superSamplingLevel = 1; | superSamplingLevel = 1 | |
const int noiseTextureResolution = 256; | noiseTextureResolution = 256 | |
/* GAUX4FORMAT:RGBA32F */ | buffersFormat[7] = GL_RGBA32F | |
/* GAUX4FORMAT:RGB32F */ | buffersFormat[7] = GL_RGB32F | |
/* GAUX4FORMAT:RGB16 */ | buffersFormat[7] = GL_RGB16 | |
const int <bufferIndex>Format = <format>; | bufferFormats[index] = <format> | See "Draw Buffer Index" and "Texture Formats" |
const bool <bufferIndex>Clear = false; | gbuffersClear[index] = false | Skip glClear() for the given buffer, only for "composite" and "deferred" programs |
const vec4 <bufferIndex>ClearColor = vec4(); | gbuffersClearColor[index] = vec4(r, g, b, a) | Clear color for the given buffer, only for "composite" and "deferred" programs |
const bool <bufferIndex>MipmapEnabled = true; | bufferMipmaps[index] = true | Only for programs "composite" , "deferred" and "final" |
const int <shadowBufferIx>Format = <format>; | shadowBufferFormats[index] = <format> | See "Shadow Buffer Index" and "Texture Formats" |
const bool <shadowBufferIx>Clear = false; | shadowBuffersClear[index] = false | Skip glClear() for the given shadow color buffer |
const vec4 <shadowBufferIx>ClearColor = vec4(); | shadowBuffersClearColor[index] = vec4(r, g, b, a) | Clear color for the given shadow color buffer |
/* DRAWBUFFERS:0257 */ | drawBuffers = {0, 2, 5, 7) | Only buffers 0 to 9 can be used. |
/* RENDERTARGETS: 0,2,11,15 */ | drawBuffers = {0, 2, 11, 15} | Buffers 0 to 15 can be used |
# Draw Buffer Index
Prefix | Index |
colortex<0-15> | 0-15 |
gcolor | 0 |
gdepth | 1 |
gnormal | 2 |
composite | 3 |
gaux1 | 4 |
gaux2 | 5 |
gaux3 | 6 |
gaux4 | 7 |
# Shadow Buffer Index
Prefix | Index |
shadowcolor | 0 |
shadowcolor<0-1> | 0-1 |
# Texture Formats
1. 8-bit
Normalized | Signed normalized | Integer | Unsigned integer |
R8 | R8_SNORM | R8I | R8I |
RG8 | RG8_SNORM | RG8I | RG8I |
2. 16-bit
Normalized | Signed normalized | Float | Integer | Unsigned integer |
R16 | R16_SNORM | R16F | R16I | R16UI |
RG16 | RG16_SNORM | RG16F | RG16I | RG16UI |
RGB16 | RGB16_SNORM | RGB16F | RGB16I | RGB16UI |
3. 32-bit
Float | Integer | Unsigned integer |
R32F | R32I | R32UI |
RG32F | RG32I | RG32UI |
RGB32F | RGB32I | RGB32UI |
4. Mixed
# Pixel Formats
1. Normalized
2. Integer
# Pixel Types
# Block ID mapping
The block ID mapping is defined in "shaders/block.properties" included in the shader pack.
Forge mods may add custom block mapping as "assets/<modid>/shaders/block.properties" in the mod JAR file.
The "block.properties" file can use conditional preprocessor directives (#ifdef, #if, etc.)
For more details see section "Standard Macros" A to I. Option macros are also available.
Format "block.<id>=<block1> <block2> ..."
The key is the substitute block ID, the values are the blocks which are to be replaced.
Only one line per block ID is allowed.
See "properties_files.txt" for the block matching rules.
# Short format
block.31=red_flower yellow_flower reeds
# Long format
block.32=minecraft:red_flower ic2:nether_flower botania:reeds
# Properties
block.33=minecraft:red_flower:type=white_tulip minecraft:red_flower:type=pink_tulip botania:reeds:type=green
See "properties.files" for more details.
# Block render layers
The custom block render layers are defined in "shaders/block.properties" included in the shader pack.
solid - no alpha, no blending (solid textures)
cutout - alpha, no blending (cutout textures)
cutout_mipped - alpha, no blending, mipmaps (cutout with mipmaps)
translucent - alpha, blending, mipmaps (water, stained glass)
Blocks which are solid opaque cubes (stone, dirt, ores, etc) can't be rendered on a custom layer as this would affect face culling, ambient occlusion, light propagation and so on.
For exaple:
layer.translucent=glass_pane fence wooden_door
# Item ID mapping
The item ID mapping is defined in "shaders/item.properties" included in the shader pack.
Forge mods may add custom item mapping as "assets/<modid>/shaders/item.properties" in the mod JAR file.
The "item.properties" file can use conditional preprocessor directives (#ifdef, #if, etc.)
For more details see section "Standard Macros" A to I. Option macros are also available.
Format "item.<id>=<item1> <item2> ..."
The key is the substitute item ID, the values are the items which are to be replaced.
Only one line per item ID is allowed.
# Short format
item.5000=diamond_sword dirt
# Long format
item.5001=minecraft:diamond_sword botania:reeds
# Entity ID mapping
The entity ID mapping is defined in "shaders/entity.properties" included in the shader pack.
Forge mods may add custom entity mapping as "assets/<modid>/shaders/entity.properties" in the mod JAR file.
The "entity.properties" file can use conditional preprocessor directives (#ifdef, #if, etc.)
For more details see section "Standard Macros" A to I. Option macros are also available.
Format "entity.<id>=<entity1> <entity2> ..."
The key is the substitute entity ID, the values are the entities which are to be replaced.
Only one line per entity ID is allowed.
# Short format
entity.2000=sheep cow
# Long format
entity.2001=minecraft:pig botania:pixie
# Standard Macros
The standard macros are automatically included after the "#version" declaration in every shader file
A. Minecraft version
#define MC_VERSION <value>
The value is in format 122 (major 1, minor 2, release 2)
For example: 1.9.4 -> 10904, 1.11.2 -> 11102, etc.
B. Maximum supported GL version
#define MC_GL_VERSION <value>
The value is integer, for example: 210, 320, 450
C. Maximum supported GLSL version
#define MC_GLSL_VERSION <value>
The value is integer, for example: 120, 150, 450
D. Operating system
One of the following:
#define MC_OS_MAC
#define MC_OS_LINUX
#define MC_OS_OTHER
E. Driver
One of the following:
One of the following:
G. OpenGL extensions
Macros for the supported OpenGL extensions are named like the corresponding extension with a prefix "MC_".
For example the macro "MC_GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod" is defined when the extension "GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod" is supported.
Only the macros which are referenced and supported are added to the shader file.
H. Options
#define MC_FXAA_LEVEL <value> // When FXAA is enabled, values: 2, 4
#define MC_NORMAL_MAP // When the normal map is enabled
#define MC_SPECULAR_MAP // When the specular map is enabled
#define MC_RENDER_QUALITY <value> // Values: 0.5, 0.70710677, 1.0, 1.4142135, 2.0
#define MC_SHADOW_QUALITY <value> // Values: 0.5, 0.70710677, 1.0, 1.4142135, 2.0
#define MC_HAND_DEPTH <value> // Values: 0.0625, 0.125, 0.25
#define MC_OLD_HAND_LIGHT // When Old Hand Light is enabled
#define MC_OLD_LIGHTING // When Old Lighting is enabled
#define MC_ANISOTROPIC_FILTERING <value> // When anisotropic filtering is enabled
I. Textures
#define MC_TEXTURE_FORMAT_LAB_PBR // Texture format LabPBR (https://github.com/rre36/lab-pbr/wiki)
#define MC_TEXTURE_FORMAT_LAB_PBR_1_3 // Version 1.3
(see "texture.properties")
J. Render stages
// Constants for the uniform "renderStage"
// The constants are given in the order in which the stages are executed
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_NONE <const> // Undefined
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_SKY <const> // Sky
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_SUNSET <const> // Sunset and sunrise overlay
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_CUSTOM_SKY <const> // Custom sky
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_SUN <const> // Sun
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_MOON <const> // Moon
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_STARS <const> // Stars
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_VOID <const> // Void
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_TERRAIN_SOLID <const> // Terrain solid
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_TERRAIN_CUTOUT_MIPPED <const> // Terrain cutout mipped
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_TERRAIN_CUTOUT <const> // Terrain cutout
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_ENTITIES <const> // Entities
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_BLOCK_ENTITIES <const> // Block entities
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_DESTROY <const> // Destroy overlay
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_OUTLINE <const> // Selection outline
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_DEBUG <const> // Debug renderers
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_HAND_SOLID <const> // Solid handheld objects
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_TERRAIN_TRANSLUCENT <const> // Terrain translucent
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_TRIPWIRE <const> // Tripwire string
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_PARTICLES <const> // Particles
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_CLOUDS <const> // Clouds
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_RAIN_SNOW <const> // Rain and snow
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_WORLD_BORDER <const> // World border
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_HAND_TRANSLUCENT <const> // Translucent handheld objects
# References
- http://daxnitro.wikia.com/wiki/Editing_Shaders_%28Shaders2%29 (opens new window)
- http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1286604-shaders-mod-updated-by-karyonix (opens new window)
- http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/search?by-author=karyonix&display-type=posts (opens new window)
- http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~cis565/fbo.htm#feedback (opens new window)
# 附原文
The Shaders Mod makes use of a deferred rendering pipeline.
The gbuffer shaders come first in the pipeline. They render data to textures that will be sent to the composite shaders.
Optional composite shaders can be added after the shadow map (shadowcomp), before terrain (prepare) and before water rendering (deferred).
The composite shaders then render to textures that will be sent to the final shader.
The final shader renders directly to the screen.
Shader Files
All shader files are placed in the folder "shaders" of the shader pack.
The shader source files use the name of the program in which they are to be used with extension depending on their type.
Extension Type
.csh Compute shader
.vsh Vertex shader
.gsh Geometry shader
.fsh Fragment shader
Geometry shaders need either OpenGL 3.2 with layout qualifiers or the extension GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 (GL_EXT_geometry_shader4)
with configuration "maxVerticesOut".
Color Attachments
The data is passed from shader to shader using color attachments.
There are at least 4 for all machines. For machines that can support it, there are up to 16.
MacOS is limited to 8 color attachments, even with modern GPUs.
In the deferred, composite and final shaders, these are referenced by the gcolor, gdepth, gnormal, composite, gaux1, gaux2, gaux3 and gaux4 uniforms.
(colortex0 to colortex15 can be used instead of gcolor, gdepth etc.)
Despite the naming, all of these color attachments are the same and can be used for any purpose with the exception of the first two.
The first one, gcolor has its color cleared to the current fog color before rendering.
The second one, gdepth has its color cleared to solid white before rendering and uses a higher precision storage buffer suitable for storing depth values.
The rest have their color cleared to black with 0 alpha.
Each color attachment uses 2 buffers (A and B) with logical names "main" and "alt", which can be used as ping-pong buffers.
When the buffers are flipped the mapping between main/alt and A/B is reversed.
Gbuffer programs always read from "main" (only gaux1-4) and write to "main" buffers (they shouldn't read and write to the same buffer at the same time).
Deferred/composite programs always read from "main" and write to "alt" buffers.
After a deferred/composite program is rendered the buffers that it writes to are flipped so the next programs can see the current output as input.
The property "flip.<program>.<buffer>=<true|false>" can be used to enable or disable the flip independant of the buffer write.
The virtual programs "deferred_pre" and "composite_pre" can be used for buffer flipping before the deferred/composite pass.
Output color attachments are configured with the "/* DRAWBUFFERS:XYZ */" or "/* RENDERTARGETS: X,Y,Z */" comment, placed in the fragment shader.
Gbuffers, deferred and composite programs can write to any color attachment, but no more than 8 at the same time.
If the output color attachments are not configured, then the program will write to the first 8 color attachments.
In shaders using the modern syntax (130 and above) the outputs of the fragment shader should use the outColor<n> names. Example:
/* DRAWBUFFERS:3,4,7 */
out vec4 outColor0; // Writes to buffer 3
out vec4 outColor1; // Writes to buffer 4
out vec4 outColor2; // Writes to buffer 7
In shaders using the modern syntax (130 and above) the outputs of the fragment shader should use the outColor<n> names. Example:
/* DRAWBUFFERS:3,4,7 */
out vec4 outColor0; // Writes to buffer 3
out vec4 outColor1; // Writes to buffer 4
out vec4 outColor2; // Writes to buffer 7
When writing to the color attachments in the composite shader, blending is disabled.
Writing to color attachments that the composite shader also reads from will generate artifacts (unless you just copy the original contents)
The shaders configuration parsing is affected by the preprocessor conditional compilation directives.
The following preprocessor directives are currently recognized:
#define <macro>
#undef <macro>
#ifdef <macro>
#ifndef <macro>
#if <int>
#if defined <macro>
#if !defined <macro>
#elif <int>
#elif defined <macro>
#elif !defined <macro>
The current shaderpack can be reloaded by pressing "F3+R" or using the command "/reloadShaders".
Compute Shaders
A list of compute shaders can be attached to every program except gbuffers programs.
They are named like the program with optional suffix, for example "composite.csh", "composite_a.csh" ... "composite_z.csh".
Compute shaders run before the program and can read from all buffers using texture samplers.
They can read and write to colortex0-5 and shadowcolor0-1 buffers as images using the aliases colorimg0-5 and shadowcolorimg0-1,
for example "layout (rgba8) uniform image2D colorimg0;"
Compute shaders need at least "#version 430" and local size definition, for example: "layout (local_size_x = 16, local_size_y = 16) in;".
Work groups are defined either fixed via "const ivec3 workGroups = ivec3(50, 30, 1);" or relative to render size
via "const vec2 workGroupsRender = vec2(0.5f, 0.5f);".
The default configuration is "const vec2 workGroupsRender = vec2(1.0f, 1.0f);", which executes the compute shader once per pixel.
Image access
All programs can read and write to colorimg0-5 and shadowcolorimg0-1 using imageLoad() and imageStore().
Shader Programs
Name Render When not defined use
<none> gui, menus <none>
--- Shadow map ---
shadow everything in shadow pass <none>
shadow_solid <not used> shadow
shadow_cutout <not used> shadow
--- Shadow composite ---
shadowcomp <shadowcomp> <none>
shadowcomp1 <shadowcomp> <none>
shadowcomp99 <shadowcomp> <none>
--- Prepare ---
prepare <prepare> <none>
prepare1 <prepare> <none>
prepare99 <prepare> <none>
--- GBuffers ---
gbuffers_basic leash, block selection box <none>
gbuffers_line block outline, fishing line gbuffers_basic
gbuffers_textured particles gbuffers_basic
gbuffers_textured_lit lit_particles, world border gbuffers_textured
gbuffers_skybasic sky, horizon, stars, void gbuffers_basic
gbuffers_skytextured sun, moon gbuffers_textured
gbuffers_clouds clouds gbuffers_textured
gbuffers_terrain solid, cutout, cutout_mip gbuffers_textured_lit
gbuffers_terrain_solid <not used> gbuffers_terrain
gbuffers_terrain_cutout_mip <not used> gbuffers_terrain
gbuffers_terrain_cutout <not used> gbuffers_terrain
gbuffers_damagedblock damaged_blocks gbuffers_terrain
gbuffers_block block_entities gbuffers_terrain
gbuffers_beaconbeam beacon beam gbuffers_textured
gbuffers_item <not used> gbuffers_textured_lit
gbuffers_entities entities gbuffers_textured_lit
gbuffers_entities_glowing glowing entities, spectral effect gbuffers_entities
gbuffers_armor_glint glint on armor and handheld items gbuffers_textured
gbuffers_spidereyes eyes of spider, enderman and dragon gbuffers_textured
gbuffers_hand hand and opaque handheld objects gbuffers_textured_lit
gbuffers_weather rain, snow gbuffers_textured_lit
--- Deferred ---
deferred_pre <virtual> flip ping-pong buffers <none>
deferred <deferred> <none>
deferred1 <deferred> <none>
deferred99 <deferred> <none>
--- GBuffers translucent ---
gbuffers_water translucent gbuffers_terrain
gbuffers_hand_water translucent handheld objects gbuffers_hand
--- Composite ---
composite_pre <virtual> flip ping-pong buffers <none>
composite <composite> <none>
composite1 <composite> <none>
composite99 <composite> <none>
--- Final ---
final <final> <none>
- The programs shadow_solid, shadow_cutout, gbuffers_terrain_solid, gbuffers_terrain_cutout and gbuffers_terrain_cutout_mip are not used
- Separate programs for world border, entities (by id, by type), cape, elytra, wolf collar, etc.
Source Value Comment
in vec3 vaPosition; position (x, y, z) 1.17+, for terrain it is relative to the chunk origin, see "chunkOffset"
in vec4 vaColor; color (r, g, b, a) 1.17+
in vec2 vaUV0; texture (u, v) 1.17+
in ivec2 vaUV1; overlay (u, v) 1.17+
in ivec2 vaUV2; lightmap (u, v) 1.17+
in vec3 vaNormal; normal (x, y, z) 1.17+
in vec3 mc_Entity; xy = blockId, renderType "blockId" is used only for blocks specified in "block.properties"
in vec2 mc_midTexCoord; st = midTexU, midTexV Sprite middle UV coordinates
in vec4 at_tangent; xyz = tangent vector, w = handedness
in vec3 at_velocity; vertex offset to previous frame In view space, only for entities and block entities
in vec3 at_midBlock; offset to block center in 1/64m units Only for blocks
Source Value
uniform int heldItemId; held item ID (main hand), used only for items defined in "item.properties"
uniform int heldBlockLightValue; held item light value (main hand)
uniform int heldItemId2; held item ID (off hand), used only for items defined in "item.properties"
uniform int heldBlockLightValue2; held item light value (off hand)
uniform int fogMode; GL_LINEAR, GL_EXP or GL_EXP2
uniform float fogStart; fog start distance (m)
uniform float fogEnd; fog end distance (m)
uniform int fogShape; 0 = sphere, 1 = cylinder
uniform float fogDensity; 0.0-1.0
uniform vec3 fogColor; r, g, b
uniform vec3 skyColor; r, g, b
uniform int worldTime; <ticks> = worldTicks % 24000
uniform int worldDay; <days> = worldTicks / 24000
uniform int moonPhase; 0-7
uniform int frameCounter; Frame index (0 to 720719, then resets to 0)
uniform float frameTime; last frame time, seconds
uniform float frameTimeCounter; run time, seconds (resets to 0 after 3600s)
uniform float sunAngle; 0.0-1.0
uniform float shadowAngle; 0.0-1.0
uniform float rainStrength; 0.0-1.0
uniform float aspectRatio; viewWidth / viewHeight
uniform float viewWidth; viewWidth
uniform float viewHeight; viewHeight
uniform float near; near viewing plane distance
uniform float far; far viewing plane distance
uniform vec3 sunPosition; sun position in eye space
uniform vec3 moonPosition; moon position in eye space
uniform vec3 shadowLightPosition; shadow light (sun or moon) position in eye space
uniform vec3 upPosition; direction up
uniform vec3 cameraPosition; camera position in world space
uniform vec3 previousCameraPosition; last frame cameraPosition
uniform mat4 gbufferModelView; modelview matrix after setting up the camera transformations
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse; inverse gbufferModelView
uniform mat4 gbufferPreviousModelView; last frame gbufferModelView
uniform mat4 gbufferProjection; projection matrix when the gbuffers were generated
uniform mat4 gbufferProjectionInverse; inverse gbufferProjection
uniform mat4 gbufferPreviousProjection; last frame gbufferProjection
uniform mat4 shadowProjection; projection matrix when the shadow map was generated
uniform mat4 shadowProjectionInverse; inverse shadowProjection
uniform mat4 shadowModelView; modelview matrix when the shadow map was generated
uniform mat4 shadowModelViewInverse; inverse shadowModelView
uniform float wetness; rainStrength smoothed with wetnessHalfLife or drynessHalfLife
uniform float eyeAltitude; view entity Y position
uniform ivec2 eyeBrightness; x = block brightness, y = sky brightness, light 0-15 = brightness 0-240
uniform ivec2 eyeBrightnessSmooth; eyeBrightness smoothed with eyeBrightnessHalflife
uniform ivec2 terrainTextureSize; not used
uniform int terrainIconSize; not used
uniform int isEyeInWater; 1 = camera is in water, 2 = camera is in lava, 3 = camera is in powder snow
uniform float nightVision; night vision (0.0-1.0)
uniform float blindness; blindness (0.0-1.0)
uniform float screenBrightness; screen brightness (0.0-1.0)
uniform int hideGUI; GUI is hidden
uniform float centerDepthSmooth; centerDepth smoothed with centerDepthSmoothHalflife
uniform ivec2 atlasSize; texture atlas size (only set when the atlas texture is bound)
uniform vec4 spriteBounds; sprite bounds in the texture atlas (u0, v0, u1, v1), set when MC_ANISOTROPIC_FILTERING is enabled
uniform vec4 entityColor; entity color multiplier (entity hurt, creeper flashing when exploding)
uniform int entityId; entity ID
uniform int blockEntityId; block entity ID (block ID for the tile entity, only for blocks specified in "block.properties")
uniform ivec4 blendFunc; blend function (srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha, dstAlpha)
uniform int instanceId; instance ID when instancing is enabled (countInstances > 1), 0 = original, 1-N = copies
uniform float playerMood; player mood (0.0-1.0), increases the longer a player stays underground
uniform int renderStage; render stage, see "Standard Macros", "J. Render stages"
uniform int bossBattle; 1 = custom, 2 = ender dragon, 3 = wither, 4 = raid
// 1.17+
uniform mat4 modelViewMatrix; model view matrix
uniform mat4 modelViewMatrixInverse; inverse model view matrix
uniform mat4 projectionMatrix; projection matrix
uniform mat4 projectionMatrixInverse; inverse projection matrix
uniform mat4 textureMatrix = mat4(1.0); texture matrix, default is identity
uniform mat3 normalMatrix; normal matrix
uniform vec3 chunkOffset; terrain chunk origin, used with attribute "vaPosition"
uniform float alphaTestRef; alpha test reference value, the check is "if (color.a < alphaTestRef) discard;"
// Lightmap texture matrix, 1.17+
const mat4 TEXTURE_MATRIX_2 = mat4(vec4(0.00390625, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), vec4(0.0, 0.00390625, 0.0, 0.0), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.00390625, 0.0), vec4(0.03125, 0.03125, 0.03125, 1.0));
GBuffers Uniforms
Programs: basic, textured, textured_lit, skybasic, skytextured, clouds, terrain, terrain_solid, terrain_cutout_mip, terrain_cutout, damagedblock, water, block, beaconbeam, item, entities, armor_glint, spidereyes, hand, hand_water, weather)
Source Value
uniform sampler2D texture; 0
uniform sampler2D lightmap; 1
uniform sampler2D normals; 2
uniform sampler2D specular; 3
uniform sampler2D shadow; waterShadowEnabled ? 5 : 4
uniform sampler2D watershadow; 4
uniform sampler2D shadowtex0; 4
uniform sampler2D shadowtex1; 5
uniform sampler2D depthtex0; 6
uniform sampler2D gaux1; 7 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
uniform sampler2D gaux2; 8 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
uniform sampler2D gaux3; 9 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
uniform sampler2D gaux4; 10 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
uniform sampler2D colortex4; 7 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
uniform sampler2D colortex5; 8 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
uniform sampler2D colortex6; 9 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
uniform sampler2D colortex7; 10 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
uniform sampler2D colortex8; 16 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
uniform sampler2D colortex9; 17 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
uniform sampler2D colortex10; 18 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
uniform sampler2D colortex11; 19 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
uniform sampler2D colortex12; 20 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
uniform sampler2D colortex13; 21 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
uniform sampler2D colortex14; 22 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
uniform sampler2D colortex15; 23 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
uniform sampler2D depthtex1; 11
uniform sampler2D shadowcolor; 13
uniform sampler2D shadowcolor0; 13
uniform sampler2D shadowcolor1; 14
uniform sampler2D noisetex; 15
Shadow Uniforms
Programs: shadow, shadow_solid, shadow_cutout
Source Value
uniform sampler2D tex; 0
uniform sampler2D texture; 0
uniform sampler2D lightmap; 1
uniform sampler2D normals; 2
uniform sampler2D specular; 3
uniform sampler2D shadow; waterShadowEnabled ? 5 : 4
uniform sampler2D watershadow; 4
uniform sampler2D shadowtex0; 4
uniform sampler2D shadowtex1; 5
uniform sampler2D gaux1; 7 <custom texture>
uniform sampler2D gaux2; 8 <custom texture>
uniform sampler2D gaux3; 9 <custom texture>
uniform sampler2D gaux4; 10 <custom texture>
uniform sampler2D colortex4; 7 <custom texture>
uniform sampler2D colortex5; 8 <custom texture>
uniform sampler2D colortex6; 9 <custom texture>
uniform sampler2D colortex7; 10 <custom texture>
uniform sampler2D colortex8; 16 <custom texture>
uniform sampler2D colortex9; 17 <custom texture>
uniform sampler2D colortex10; 18 <custom texture>
uniform sampler2D colortex11; 19 <custom texture>
uniform sampler2D colortex12; 20 <custom texture>
uniform sampler2D colortex13; 21 <custom texture>
uniform sampler2D colortex14; 22 <custom texture>
uniform sampler2D colortex15; 23 <custom texture>
uniform sampler2D shadowcolor; 13
uniform sampler2D shadowcolor0; 13
uniform sampler2D shadowcolor1; 14
uniform sampler2D noisetex; 15
Composite and Deferred Uniforms
Programs: composite, composite1, composite2, composite3, composite4, composite5, composite6, composite7, final, deferred, deferred1, deferred2, deferred3, deferred4, deferred5, deferred6, deferred7
Source Value
uniform sampler2D gcolor; 0
uniform sampler2D gdepth; 1
uniform sampler2D gnormal; 2
uniform sampler2D composite; 3
uniform sampler2D gaux1; 7
uniform sampler2D gaux2; 8
uniform sampler2D gaux3; 9
uniform sampler2D gaux4; 10
uniform sampler2D colortex0; 0
uniform sampler2D colortex1; 1
uniform sampler2D colortex2; 2
uniform sampler2D colortex3; 3
uniform sampler2D colortex4; 7
uniform sampler2D colortex5; 8
uniform sampler2D colortex6; 9
uniform sampler2D colortex7; 10
uniform sampler2D colortex8; 16
uniform sampler2D colortex9; 17
uniform sampler2D colortex10; 18
uniform sampler2D colortex11; 19
uniform sampler2D colortex12; 20
uniform sampler2D colortex13; 21
uniform sampler2D colortex14; 22
uniform sampler2D colortex15; 23
uniform sampler2D shadow; waterShadowEnabled ? 5 : 4
uniform sampler2D watershadow; 4
uniform sampler2D shadowtex0; 4
uniform sampler2D shadowtex1; 5
uniform sampler2D gdepthtex; 6
uniform sampler2D depthtex0; 6
uniform sampler2D depthtex1; 11
uniform sampler2D depthtex2; 12
uniform sampler2D shadowcolor; 13
uniform sampler2D shadowcolor0; 13
uniform sampler2D shadowcolor1; 14
uniform sampler2D noisetex; 15
GBuffers Textures
Id Name Legacy name
0 texture
1 lightmap
2 normals
3 specular
4 shadowtex0 shadow, watershadow
5 shadowtex1 shadow (when watershadow used)
6 depthtex0
7 gaux1 colortex4 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
8 gaux2 colortex5 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
9 gaux3 colortex6 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
10 gaux4 colortex7 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
12 depthtex1
13 shadowcolor0 shadowcolor
14 shadowcolor1
15 noisetex
16 colortex8 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
17 colortex9 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
18 colortex10 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
19 colortex11 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
20 colortex12 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
21 colortex13 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
22 colortex14 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
23 colortex15 <custom texture or output from deferred programs>
Shadow Textures
Id Name Legacy name
0 texture tex
1 lightmap
2 normals
3 specular
4 shadowtex0 shadow, watershadow
5 shadowtex1 shadow (when watershadow used)
7 gaux1 colortex4 <custom texture>
8 gaux2 colortex5 <custom texture>
9 gaux3 colortex6 <custom texture>
10 gaux4 colortex7 <custom texture>
13 shadowcolor0 shadowcolor
14 shadowcolor1
15 noisetex
16 colortex8 <custom texture>
17 colortex9 <custom texture>
18 colortex10 <custom texture>
19 colortex11 <custom texture>
20 colortex12 <custom texture>
21 colortex13 <custom texture>
22 colortex14 <custom texture>
23 colortex15 <custom texture>
Composite and Deferred Textures
Id Name Legacy name
0 colortex0 gcolor
1 colortex1 gdepth
2 colortex2 gnormal
3 colortex3 composite
4 shadowtex0 shadow, watershadow
5 shadowtex1 shadow (when watershadow used)
6 depthtex0 gdepthtex
7 colortex4 gaux1
8 colortex5 gaux2
9 colortex6 gaux3
10 colortex7 gaux4
11 depthtex1
12 depthtex2
13 shadowcolor0 shadowcolor
14 shadowcolor1
15 noisetex
16 colortex8
17 colortex9
18 colortex10
19 colortex11
20 colortex12
21 colortex13
22 colortex14
23 colortex15
Depth buffers usage
Name Usage
depthtex0 everything
depthtex1 no translucent objects (water, stained glass)
depthtex2 no translucent objects (water, stained glass), no handheld objects
Shadow buffers usage
Name Usage
shadowtex0 everything
shadowtex1 no translucent objects (water, stained glass)
Vertex Shader Configuration
Source Effect Comment
in vec3 mc_Entity; useEntityAttrib = true
in vec2 mc_midTexCoord; useMidTexCoordAttrib = true
in vec4 at_tangent; useTangentAttrib = true
const int countInstances = 1; when "countInstances > 1" the geometry will be rendered several times, see uniform "instanceId"
Geometry Shader Configuration
Source Effect Comment
#extension GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 : enable Enable GL_ARB_geometry_shader4
const int maxVerticesOut = 3; Set GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT_ARB for GL_ARB_geometry_shader4
Fragment Shader Configuration
Source Effect Comment
uniform <type> shadow; shadowDepthBuffers = 1
uniform <type> watershadow; shadowDepthBuffers = 2
uniform <type> shadowtex0; shadowDepthBuffers = 1
uniform <type> shadowtex1; shadowDepthBuffers = 2
uniform <type> shadowcolor; shadowColorBuffers = 1
uniform <type> shadowcolor0; shadowColorBuffers = 1
uniform <type> shadowcolor1; shadowColorBuffers = 2
uniform <type> depthtex0; depthBuffers = 1
uniform <type> depthtex1; depthBuffers = 2
uniform <type> depthtex2; depthBuffers = 3
uniform <type> gdepth; if (bufferFormat[1] == RGBA) bufferFormat[1] = RGBA32F;
uniform <type> gaux1; colorBuffers = 5
uniform <type> gaux2; colorBuffers = 6
uniform <type> gaux3; colorBuffers = 7
uniform <type> gaux4; colorBuffers = 8
uniform <type> colortex4; colorBuffers = 5
uniform <type> colortex5; colorBuffers = 6
uniform <type> colortex6; colorBuffers = 7
uniform <type> colortex7; colorBuffers = 8
uniform <type> centerDepthSmooth; centerDepthSmooth = true
/* SHADOWRES:1024 */ shadowMapWidth = shadowMapHeight = 1024
const int shadowMapResolution = 1024; shadowMapWidth = shadowMapHeight = 1024
/* SHADOWFOV:90.0 */ shadowMapFov = 90
const float shadowMapFov = 90.0; shadowMapFov = 90
/* SHADOWHPL:160.0 */ shadowMapDistance = 160.0
const float shadowDistance = 160.0f; shadowMapDistance = 160.0
const float shadowDistanceRenderMul = -1f; shadowDistanceRenderMul = -1 When > 0 enable shadow optimization (shadowRenderDistance = shadowDistance * shadowDistanceRenderMul)
const float shadowIntervalSize = 2.0f; shadowIntervalSize = 2.0
const bool generateShadowMipmap = true; shadowMipmap = true
const bool generateShadowColorMipmap = true; shadowColorMipmap = true
const bool shadowHardwareFiltering = true; shadowHardwareFiltering = true
const bool shadowHardwareFiltering0 = true; shadowHardwareFiltering[0] = true
const bool shadowHardwareFiltering1 = true; shadowHardwareFiltering[1] = true
const bool shadowtexMipmap = true; shadowMipmap[0] = true
const bool shadowtex0Mipmap = true; shadowMipmap[0] = true
const bool shadowtex1Mipmap = true; shadowMipmap[1] = true
const bool shadowcolor0Mipmap = true; shadowColorMipmap[0] = true
const bool shadowColor0Mipmap = true; shadowColorMipmap[0] = true
const bool shadowcolor1Mipmap = true; shadowColorMipmap[1] = true
const bool shadowColor1Mipmap = true; shadowColorMipmap[1] = true
const bool shadowtexNearest = true; shadowFilterNearest[0] = true
const bool shadowtex0Nearest = true; shadowFilterNearest[0] = true
const bool shadow0MinMagNearest = true; shadowFilterNearest[0] = true
const bool shadowtex1Nearest = true; shadowFilterNearest[1] = true
const bool shadow1MinMagNearest = true; shadowFilterNearest[1] = true
const bool shadowcolor0Nearest = true; shadowColorFilterNearest[0] = true
const bool shadowColor0Nearest = true; shadowColorFilterNearest[0] = true
const bool shadowColor0MinMagNearest = true; shadowColorFilterNearest[0] = true
const bool shadowcolor1Nearest = true; shadowColorFilterNearest[1] = true
const bool shadowColor1Nearest = true; shadowColorFilterNearest[1] = true
const bool shadowColor1MinMagNearest = true; shadowColorFilterNearest[1] = true
/* WETNESSHL:600.0 */ wetnessHalfLife = 600 (ticks)
const float wetnessHalflife = 600.0f; wetnessHalfLife = 600 (ticks)
/* DRYNESSHL:200.0 */ drynessHalfLife = 200 (ticks)
const float drynessHalflife = 200.0f; drynessHalfLife = 200 (ticks)
const float eyeBrightnessHalflife = 10.0f; eyeBrightnessHalflife = 10 (ticks)
const float centerDepthHalflife = 1.0f; centerDepthSmoothHalflife = 1 (ticks)
const float sunPathRotation = 0f; sunPathRotation = 0f
const float ambientOcclusionLevel = 1.0f; ambientOcclusionLevel = 1.0f 0.0f = AO disabled, 1.0f = vanilla AO
const int superSamplingLevel = 1; superSamplingLevel = 1
const int noiseTextureResolution = 256; noiseTextureResolution = 256
/* GAUX4FORMAT:RGBA32F */ buffersFormat[7] = GL_RGBA32F
/* GAUX4FORMAT:RGB32F */ buffersFormat[7] = GL_RGB32F
/* GAUX4FORMAT:RGB16 */ buffersFormat[7] = GL_RGB16
const int <bufferIndex>Format = <format>; bufferFormats[index] = <format> See "Draw Buffer Index" and "Texture Formats"
const bool <bufferIndex>Clear = false; gbuffersClear[index] = false Skip glClear() for the given buffer, only for "composite" and "deferred" programs
const vec4 <bufferIndex>ClearColor = vec4(); gbuffersClearColor[index] = vec4(r, g, b, a) Clear color for the given buffer, only for "composite" and "deferred" programs
const bool <bufferIndex>MipmapEnabled = true; bufferMipmaps[index] = true Only for programs "composite" , "deferred" and "final"
const int <shadowBufferIx>Format = <format>; shadowBufferFormats[index] = <format> See "Shadow Buffer Index" and "Texture Formats"
const bool <shadowBufferIx>Clear = false; shadowBuffersClear[index] = false Skip glClear() for the given shadow color buffer
const vec4 <shadowBufferIx>ClearColor = vec4(); shadowBuffersClearColor[index] = vec4(r, g, b, a) Clear color for the given shadow color buffer
/* DRAWBUFFERS:0257 */ drawBuffers = {0, 2, 5, 7) Only buffers 0 to 9 can be used.
/* RENDERTARGETS: 0,2,11,15 */ drawBuffers = {0, 2, 11, 15} Buffers 0 to 15 can be used
Draw Buffer Index
Prefix Index
colortex<0-15> 0-15
gcolor 0
gdepth 1
gnormal 2
composite 3
gaux1 4
gaux2 5
gaux3 6
gaux4 7
Shadow Buffer Index
Prefix Index
shadowcolor 0
shadowcolor<0-1> 0-1
Texture Formats
1. 8-bit
Normalized Signed normalized Integer Unsigned integer
================= ================= ================= =================
2. 16-bit
Normalized Signed normalized Float Integer Unsigned integer
================= ================= ================= ================= =================
R16 R16_SNORM R16F R16I R16UI
3. 32-bit
Float Integer Unsigned integer
================= ================= =================
R32F R32I R32UI
4. Mixed
Pixel Formats
1. Normalized
2. Integer
Pixel Types
Block ID mapping
The block ID mapping is defined in "shaders/block.properties" included in the shader pack.
Forge mods may add custom block mapping as "assets/<modid>/shaders/block.properties" in the mod JAR file.
The "block.properties" file can use conditional preprocessor directives (#ifdef, #if, etc.)
For more details see section "Standard Macros" A to I. Option macros are also available.
Format "block.<id>=<block1> <block2> ..."
The key is the substitute block ID, the values are the blocks which are to be replaced.
Only one line per block ID is allowed.
See "properties_files.txt" for the block matching rules.
# Short format
block.31=red_flower yellow_flower reeds
# Long format
block.32=minecraft:red_flower ic2:nether_flower botania:reeds
# Properties
block.33=minecraft:red_flower:type=white_tulip minecraft:red_flower:type=pink_tulip botania:reeds:type=green
See "properties.files" for more details.
Block render layers
The custom block render layers are defined in "shaders/block.properties" included in the shader pack.
solid - no alpha, no blending (solid textures)
cutout - alpha, no blending (cutout textures)
cutout_mipped - alpha, no blending, mipmaps (cutout with mipmaps)
translucent - alpha, blending, mipmaps (water, stained glass)
Blocks which are solid opaque cubes (stone, dirt, ores, etc) can't be rendered on a custom layer
as this would affect face culling, ambient occlusion, light propagation and so on.
For exaple:
layer.translucent=glass_pane fence wooden_door
Item ID mapping
The item ID mapping is defined in "shaders/item.properties" included in the shader pack.
Forge mods may add custom item mapping as "assets/<modid>/shaders/item.properties" in the mod JAR file.
The "item.properties" file can use conditional preprocessor directives (#ifdef, #if, etc.)
For more details see section "Standard Macros" A to I. Option macros are also available.
Format "item.<id>=<item1> <item2> ..."
The key is the substitute item ID, the values are the items which are to be replaced.
Only one line per item ID is allowed.
# Short format
item.5000=diamond_sword dirt
# Long format
item.5001=minecraft:diamond_sword botania:reeds
Entity ID mapping
The entity ID mapping is defined in "shaders/entity.properties" included in the shader pack.
Forge mods may add custom entity mapping as "assets/<modid>/shaders/entity.properties" in the mod JAR file.
The "entity.properties" file can use conditional preprocessor directives (#ifdef, #if, etc.)
For more details see section "Standard Macros" A to I. Option macros are also available.
Format "entity.<id>=<entity1> <entity2> ..."
The key is the substitute entity ID, the values are the entities which are to be replaced.
Only one line per entity ID is allowed.
# Short format
entity.2000=sheep cow
# Long format
entity.2001=minecraft:pig botania:pixie
Standard Macros
The standard macros are automatically included after the "#version" declaration in every shader file
A. Minecraft version
#define MC_VERSION <value>
The value is in format 122 (major 1, minor 2, release 2)
For example: 1.9.4 -> 10904, 1.11.2 -> 11102, etc.
B. Maximum supported GL version
#define MC_GL_VERSION <value>
The value is integer, for example: 210, 320, 450
C. Maximum supported GLSL version
#define MC_GLSL_VERSION <value>
The value is integer, for example: 120, 150, 450
D. Operating system
One of the following:
#define MC_OS_MAC
#define MC_OS_LINUX
#define MC_OS_OTHER
E. Driver
One of the following:
One of the following:
G. OpenGL extensions
Macros for the supported OpenGL extensions are named like the corresponding extension with a prefix "MC_".
For example the macro "MC_GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod" is defined when the extension "GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod" is supported.
Only the macros which are referenced and supported are added to the shader file.
H. Options
#define MC_FXAA_LEVEL <value> // When FXAA is enabled, values: 2, 4
#define MC_NORMAL_MAP // When the normal map is enabled
#define MC_SPECULAR_MAP // When the specular map is enabled
#define MC_RENDER_QUALITY <value> // Values: 0.5, 0.70710677, 1.0, 1.4142135, 2.0
#define MC_SHADOW_QUALITY <value> // Values: 0.5, 0.70710677, 1.0, 1.4142135, 2.0
#define MC_HAND_DEPTH <value> // Values: 0.0625, 0.125, 0.25
#define MC_OLD_HAND_LIGHT // When Old Hand Light is enabled
#define MC_OLD_LIGHTING // When Old Lighting is enabled
#define MC_ANISOTROPIC_FILTERING <value> // When anisotropic filtering is enabled
I. Textures
#define MC_TEXTURE_FORMAT_LAB_PBR // Texture format LabPBR (https://github.com/rre36/lab-pbr/wiki)
#define MC_TEXTURE_FORMAT_LAB_PBR_1_3 // Version 1.3
(see "texture.properties")
J. Render stages
// Constants for the uniform "renderStage"
// The constants are given in the order in which the stages are executed
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_NONE <const> // Undefined
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_SKY <const> // Sky
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_SUNSET <const> // Sunset and sunrise overlay
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_CUSTOM_SKY <const> // Custom sky
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_SUN <const> // Sun
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_MOON <const> // Moon
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_STARS <const> // Stars
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_VOID <const> // Void
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_TERRAIN_SOLID <const> // Terrain solid
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_TERRAIN_CUTOUT_MIPPED <const> // Terrain cutout mipped
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_TERRAIN_CUTOUT <const> // Terrain cutout
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_ENTITIES <const> // Entities
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_BLOCK_ENTITIES <const> // Block entities
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_DESTROY <const> // Destroy overlay
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_OUTLINE <const> // Selection outline
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_DEBUG <const> // Debug renderers
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_HAND_SOLID <const> // Solid handheld objects
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_TERRAIN_TRANSLUCENT <const> // Terrain translucent
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_TRIPWIRE <const> // Tripwire string
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_PARTICLES <const> // Particles
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_CLOUDS <const> // Clouds
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_RAIN_SNOW <const> // Rain and snow
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_WORLD_BORDER <const> // World border
#define MC_RENDER_STAGE_HAND_TRANSLUCENT <const> // Translucent handheld objects