# Sample configuration for OptiFine's Shaders feature.
# shaders.properties
# Place this file in the "shaders" folder of the shader pack
# This file can use conditional preprocessor directives (#ifdef, #if, etc.)
# For more details see "shaders.txt", section "Standard Macros" A to I.
# The settings version, oldLighting, separateAo, sliders, profiles and screen are parsed without option macros.
# Set clouds type or turn clouds off
# The clouds are also controlled by "Video Settings -> Details -> Clouds" with higher priority
# Enable or disable old hand light
# Backwards compatibility for shader packs not supporting main and off hand.
# When enabled uses the handheld item with higher light value for the main hand.
# The old hand light is also controlled by "Video Settings -> Shaders -> Old Hand Light" with higher priority
# Enable or disable the dynamic hand light from "Dynamic Lights"
# This option can be used to disable the dynamic hand light from "Dynamic Lights" if the shader implements its own hand light.
# Enable or disable old block lighting with fixed multiplier
# The old block lighting is also controlled by "Video Settings -> Shaders -> Old Lighting" with higher priority
# Enable or disable rendering of terrain (solid, cutout, cutout_mipped) in the shadow pass
# Enable or disable rendering of translucent blocks (water, stained glass) in the shadow pass
# Enable or disable rendering of entities in the shadow pass
# Enable or disable rendering of block entities in the shadow pass
# Enable or disable underwater screen overlay
# Enable or disable sun rendering
# Enable or disable moon rendering
# Enable or disable vignette rendering
# Enable back-face rendering per render layer
# Default is false
# Rain depth
# Enables rain and snow to write to the depth buffer
# Beacon beam depth
# Enables beacon beam to write to the depth buffer
# Separate AO
# When enabled the AO brightness (smooth lighting) is separated from "color.rbg" and put in "color.a".
# Frustum culling
# Enable or disable frustum culling
# Shadow culling
# Enable or disable shadow culling
# Particles before deferred
# Render particles before deferred programs
# OptiFine version
# The minimum OptiFine version which is required by the shader pack
# Each Minecraft version has to be specified separately.
# For example:
# version.1.12.2=D1
# version.1.10.2=F1
# version.1.8=J1
# Custom textures
# Allows custom textures to be bound to the available shader units.
# Format:
# texture.<stage>.<name>=<path>
# Stage:
# gbuffers - gbuffers and shadow programs
# deferred - deferred programs
# composite - composite and final programs
# Name is the texture unit name, see "shaders.txt" for the available names.
# The textures can be loaded from different places:
# 1. Shader pack
# The texture path is relative to the folder "shaders".
# Example:
# texture.composite.colortex1=textures/noise.png
# 2. Resource pack
# The texture path should start with "minecraft:"
# Example
# texture.composite.colortex2=minecraft:textures/font/ascii.png
# 3. Dynamic (lightmap, texture atlas)
# Example
# texture.composite.colortex3=minecraft:dynamic/lightmap_1
# texture.composite.colortex4=minecraft:textures/atlas/blocks.png
# The suffix "_n" and "_s" can be used to load the normal/specular variant of the texture,
# for example "minecraft:textures/atlas/blocks_n.png"
# Raw textures (binary dump) can also be loaded:
# texture.<stage>.<name>=<path> <type> <internalFormat> <dimensions> <pixelFormat> <pixelType>
# Where:
# <internalFormat> is the texture format, see Texture Formats in "shaders.txt" for the available names
# <dimensions> is a list of texture dimensions, depends on the texture type
# <pixelFormat> is the pixel format, see Pixel Formats in "shaders.txt" for the available names
# <pixelType> is the pixel type, see Pixel Types in "shaders.txt" for the available names
# For example:
# texture.composite.gaux1=textures/lut_1d.dat TEXTURE_1D RGBA32F 256 RGBA FLOAT
# texture.composite.gaux1.2=textures/lut_3d.dat TEXTURE_3D RGBA32F 64 64 64 RGBA FLOAT
# It is possible to bind several textures with different types to one texture unit.
# The shaders can differentiate between them based on the sampler type: sampler1d, sampler2d, sampler3d ...
# In one program only one sampler type can be used per texture unit.
# The suffixes ".0" to ".9" can be added to <name> to avoid duplicate property keys.
# Wrap and filter modes can be configured by adding standard texture ".mcmeta" files,
# for example: "textures/lut_3d.dat.mcmeta"
# Custom noise texture
# Allows the noise texture to be loaded from the shader pack
# Shader options are parsed from the ".fsh" and ".vsh" files located in the folder "shaders".
# The line comment located after the option is shown as a tooltip.
# Tooltip lines are split on sentence end ". ".
# Tooltip lines ending with "!" are automatically shown red.
# One option can be present in several shader files and it will be switched simultaneously in all of them.
# Ambiguous options (different default values found) are disabled and can not be changed.
# Left click on an option button selects the next value, right click selects the previous value and
# Shift + click resets the option to default value.
# Boolean, default ON
# #define SSAO // Screen space ambient occlusion. High performance impact.
# Boolean, default OFF
# // #define SSAO // Screen space ambient occlusion. High performance impact.
# The boolean variables are recognized only if the matching "#ifdef" or "#ifndef" is also found in the same file.
# Variable
# #define SHADOW_DARKNESS 0.10 // Shadow darkness levels [0.05 0.10 0.20]
# The allowed values are given as a list "[v1 v2 v3]" in the comment.
# The default value is automatically added if not present in the list.
# Some "const" variables are also recognized (backwards compatibility with the Shaders Mod).
# They use a structure similar to the macro variables, for example:
# const int shadowMapResolution = 1572; // Shadowmap resolution [1024 1572 2048]
# const float shadowDistance = 64.0; // Draw distance of shadows [32.0 64.0 128.0 256.0]
# Const variables without allowed values are by default not visible, unless used in a profile or configured on a screen.
# The recognized "const" variables are:
# shadowMapResolution
# shadowDistance
# shadowDistanceRenderMul
# shadowIntervalSize
# generateShadowMipmap
# generateShadowColorMipmap
# shadowHardwareFiltering
# shadowHardwareFiltering0
# shadowHardwareFiltering1
# shadowtex0Mipmap
# shadowtexMipmap
# shadowtex1Mipmap
# shadowcolor0Mipmap
# shadowColor0Mipmap
# shadowcolor1Mipmap
# shadowColor1Mipmap
# shadowtex0Nearest
# shadowtexNearest
# shadow0MinMagNearest
# shadowtex1Nearest
# shadow1MinMagNearest
# shadowcolor0Nearest
# shadowColor0Nearest
# shadowColor0MinMagNearest
# shadowcolor1Nearest
# shadowColor1Nearest
# shadowColor1MinMagNearest
# wetnessHalflife
# drynessHalflife
# eyeBrightnessHalflife
# centerDepthHalflife
# sunPathRotation
# ambientOcclusionLevel
# superSamplingLevel
# noiseTextureResolution
# User friendly option labels can be loaded from language files in "/shaders/lang"
# Example from "/shaders/lang/en_us.lang":
# option.SHADOW_FILTER=Shadow Filter
# option.SHADOW_FILTER.comment=Smooth out edges of shadows. Very small performance hit.
# User friendly value labels can be loaded from language files in "/shaders/lang"
# Example from "/shaders/lang/en_us.lang"
# value.SHADOW_FILTER.0.4f=Normal
# value.SHADOW_FILTER.0.9f=Soft
# Value formatting can be added with:
# prefix.SHADOW_FILTER=(
# suffix.SHADOW_FILTER=)
# Profile tooltips can be loaded from language files in "/shaders/lang"
# Example from "/shaders/lang/en_us.lang":
# profile.comment=Low - low. Medium - medium. Standard - standard. High - high. Ultra - ultra.
# Sliders
# Options with multiple allowed values can be shown as sliders
sliders=<list of options>
# Profiles allow a set of options to be switched together
# The current profile is detected based on the selected option values
# If no profile matches the current option values, the profile "Custom" is selected
# It is recommended that all profiles use the same list of options and only the values differ
# Disabled programs are special options and only disabling (prefix !) is recognized for them
profile.NAME=<list of options>
# Profile options
# OPTION:value - set value
# OPTION=value - set value
# OPTION - set boolean option ON
# !OPTION - set boolean option OFF
# profile.NAME - copy all options from another profile
# !program.name - disable program "name". The program name may include dimension: "world-1/gbuffers_water"
# The following program names are recognized:
# gbuffers_basic
# gbuffers_textured
# gbuffers_textured_lit
# gbuffers_skybasic
# gbuffers_skytextured
# gbuffers_clouds
# gbuffers_terrain
# gbuffers_terrain_solid
# gbuffers_terrain_cutout_mip
# gbuffers_terrain_cutout
# gbuffers_damagedblock
# gbuffers_water
# gbuffers_block
# gbuffers_beaconbeam
# gbuffers_item
# gbuffers_entities
# gbuffers_armor_glint
# gbuffers_spidereyes
# gbuffers_hand
# gbuffers_weather
# composite
# composite1
# composite2
# composite3
# composite4
# composite5
# composite6
# composite7
# final
# shadow
# shadow_solid
# shadow_cutout
# deferred
# deferred1
# deferred2
# deferred3
# deferred4
# deferred5
# deferred6
# deferred7
# gbuffers_hand_water
# Examples
# profile.LOW=SSAO:false GOD_RAYS:false SHADOW_DIST:40 !program.composite1
# profile.MED=profile.LOW GOD_RAYS SHADOW_DIST:80
# User friendly profile labels can be loaded from language files in "/shaders/lang"
# Example from "/shaders/lang/en_us.lang"
# profile.LOW=Low
# profile.LOW.comment=Low quality. Intel and Mac compatible. No God Rays and SSAO.
# profile.MED=Medium
# profile.MED.comment=Medium quality. Nvidia or AMD graphics card recommended.
# profile.HIGH=High
# profile.HIGH.comment=High quality. Modern Nvidia or AMD graphics card required.
# Option screen configuration
# Main screen
screen=<list of options>
# Sub-screen
screen.NAME=<list of options>
# Screen options
# OPTION - option name
# [NAME] - link to sub-screen NAME
# <profile> - profile selection
# <empty> - empty slot
# * - the rest of the options not configured on any of the screens
# Option columns per screen
# By default the options are shown in two columns:
# 1 2
# 3 4
# 5 6
# ...
# When more than 18 options are present the screen switches to 3 or more columns.
# The option names are automatically shortened to avoid text overflow outside the button.
# Main screen
# Sub-screen
# Example:
# screen.MISC=*
# User friendly screen labels can be loaded from language files in "/shaders/lang"
# Example from "/shaders/lang/en_us.lang"
# screen.DOF=Depth of field
# screen.DOF.comment=Depth of field effect. Adds blur to out of focus objects.
# screen.WAVING=Waving grass and leaves
# screen.WAVING.comment=Waving grass, leaves, fire and entities
# Custom uniforms
# Define custom variables and uniforms using general mathematical expressions with brackets,
# constants, variables, operators and functions.
# The uniforms are sent to the shaders, the variables can be used in other variables or uniforms.
# The custom uniforms are updated on program change.
# Constants
# floating point number
# pi - 3.1415926
# true
# false
# The available biome ids, categories and precipitation types are defines as constants.
# Parameters (float)
# biome - biome id
# biome_precipitation - 0 to 2 (PPT_NONE, PPT_RAIN, PPT_SNOW)
# temperature - 0.0 to 1.0
# rainfall - 0.0 to 1.0 (humidity)
# Rain/snow is rendered for "biome_precipitation != PPT_NONE". If "temperature >= 0.15" rain is rendered, otherwise snow.
# The fixed scalar uniforms are also available as parameters. For example: heldItemId, worldTime, moonPhase, etc.
# Vector elements can be accessed with suffix ".x", ".y" and ".z". For example: "sunPosition.y".
# Color elements can be accessed with suffix ".r", ".g" and ".b". For example: "skyColor.r".
# Matrix elements can be accessed by row and column index. For example "gbufferModelView.0.1".
# The dynamic uniforms entityColor, entityId, blockEntityId, fogMode and fogColor can not be used as parameters
# as they may change many times per program.
# Parameters (boolean)
# is_alive
# is_burning
# is_child
# is_glowing
# is_hurt
# is_in_lava
# is_in_water
# is_invisible
# is_on_ground
# is_ridden
# is_riding
# is_sneaking
# is_sprinting
# is_wet
# Operators
# +, -, *, /, %
# !, &&, ||
# >, >=, <, <=, ==, !=
# Functions
# sin(x)
# cos(x)
# asin(x)
# acos(x)
# tan(x)
# atan(x)
# atan2(y, x)
# torad(deg)
# todeg(rad)
# min(x, y ,...)
# max(x, y, ...)
# clamp(x, min, max) Limits a value to be between min and max values
# abs(x)
# floor(x)
# ceil(x)
# exp(x)
# frac(x)
# log(x)
# pow(x)
# random()
# round(x)
# signum(x)
# sqrt(x)
# fmod(x, y) Similar to Math.floorMod()
# if(cond, val, [cond2, val2, ...], val_else) Select a value based one or more conditions
# smooth([id], val, [fadeInTime, [fadeOutTime]]) Smooths a variable with custom fade-in time.
# The "id" must be unique, if not specified it is generated automatically
# Default fade time is 1 sec.
# Boolean functions
# between(x, min, max) Check if a value is between min and max values
# equals(x, y, epsilon) Compare two float values with error margin
# in(x, val1, val2, ...) Check if a value equals one of several values
# Vector functions
# vec2(x, y)
# vec3(x, y, z)
# vec4(x, y, z, w)
# Example:
# variable.bool.isBiomeDark=in(biome, BIOME_RIVER, BIOME_FOREST)
# variable.float.valBiomeDark=smooth(1, if(isBiomeDark, 1, 0), 5)
# variable.float.valHurtDark=smooth(2, if(is_hurt, 1.3, 0), 0, 10)
# variable.float.valSwordDark=smooth(3, if(heldItemId == 276, 1, 0), 0.5, 0.5)
# uniform.float.screenDark=max(valBiomeDark, valHurtDark, valSwordDark)
# uniform.vec3.screenDark3=vec3(screenDark, heldItemId, biome)
# Alpha test
# The alpha test can be configured per program.
# Where
# - ref - float value
alphaTest.<program>=<off|func ref>
# Blend mode
# The blend mode can be configured per program.
# Where src, dst, srcA and dstA are one of: ZERO, ONE, SRC_COLOR, ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, DST_COLOR, ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR,
blend.<program>=<off|src dst srcA dstA>
# Blend mode per buffer
# The blend mode can be configured per program and buffer
# Where src, dst, srcA and dstA are one of: ZERO, ONE, SRC_COLOR, ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, DST_COLOR, ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR,
blend.<program>.<buffer>=<off|src dst srcA dstA>
# Composite render scale
# Defines a custom viewport to be used when rendering composite and deferred programs.
# The scale, offsetX and offsetY should be between 0.0 and 1.0.
scale.<program>=<scale|scale offsetX ofsetY>
# Ping-pong buffer flip
# Enable or disable ping-pong buffer flip for a specific buffer name in a specific composite or deferred program.
# When buffer flip is disabled the next composite program will use the same input and output buffers for this buffer name.
# The last program that writes to the buffer should have flip enabled so that the following programs can read from the buffer.
# This can be used with composite render scale to allow several composite programs to write to different regions in the same buffer.
# Forced buffer flip can be used to read from both ping-pong buffers.
# Buffer size
# Define custom fixed size for a specific buffer.
# Only prepare, deferred and composite programs can render to fixed size buffers.
# Rendering to fixed size and normal buffers at the same time is not possible.
# When rendering to several fixed size buffers all of them must have the same size.
# When width and height are floating point values, then the buffer size will be relative to the render size.
# For example "size.buffer.colortex2=0.5 0.5" will create the buffer with widht and height half of the render width and height.
size.buffer.<buffer>=width height
# Enable or disable programs depending on shader options
# Disabled progams are processed as not defined and instead their fallback programs will be used.
# The program name can contain dimension folder, for example:
# program.world-1/composite2.enabled=BLOOM
# The expression is a boolean expression which can use shader options of type switch (on/off), for example:
# program.composite.enabled=(BLOOM || SSAO) && !GODRAYS
# Shaders can be separated by world dimension by placing them in folder "/shaders/world<id>" where "id" is the world dimension.
# When the world folder is present the shaders will be loaded only from there ignoring the default folder.
# Creating an empty world folder effectively disables the shaders for this world dimension.
# Mod world dimensions should also work.
# Only ".vsh" and ".fsh" files are loaded from the dimension folder.
# Example
# /shaders - default shaders
# /shaders/world-1 - nether shaders
# /shaders/world1 - end shaders
# Dimension folders are also scanned for options.
# The options in dimension foldes may be given different names to avoid conflict with default values.
# The "#include" directive found in ".vsh" and ".fsh" files is replaced with the contents of the included file
# Relative, look in same folder
# #include "const.inc"
# Absolute, start from base folder "/shaders"
# #include "/world-55/lib.inc"
# Included files may include other files.
# The maximum include depth is limited to 10.
# To avoid code duplication on nested includes the following can be used:
# // File A
# #ifndef INCLUDE_A
# #define INCLUDE_A
# ... <code>
# #endif
# When Minecraft is started with argument "-Dshaders.debug.save=true" then the final shaders will be saved in "shaderpacks/debug".